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Ballistica  (2009)
Tagline(s):The CIA'S Most Dangerous Weapon!
Nomination Year: 2022

From "A man has been trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using ballistics and firearms. He is one of the few Americans who has perfected it, which makes him the CIA's best weapon against International Terrorism."

You all realize this is just Gunkata 2.0, right? My God, have we learned NOTHING from Equilibrium??

Bryan Cassidy
Smithee Award Nominations
Deus Ex Machina
EA Bombs: The Explosion Is Behind a Paywall
The bomb is unstoppable and the detonator counts down to...nothing. Luckily, it was connected to a prototype. Whew!
Worst Science
Protein-Disrupting Genetic Implosion Bombs!
Protein-disrupting bomb causes instant death from genetic implosion.
Best One-Liner
"Stupid Americans and Their..." *Draws Card* "...Top 10 Lists!"
The badass woman has our hero dead to rights and complains about Americans and their Top Ten lists.
Smithee Award Winner!MegaMetaSmithee Award Winner! "Whoops!"
We Could Only Afford To Rent 200 Yards of Street...
Nearly every background of the 3+-minute car chase has the SAME orange truck, the SAME overpass, and the SAME warehouse!
Smithee Award Winner! "WHAT?!"
I Call Bullet-Shit!
In a fantastic (i.e., impossible to believe) display of Gunkat--*ahem*, excuse me--BALLISTICA, the two protagonists duke it out, but despite being at range...They. Keep. MISSING! Finally, in a classic Baddie Gets the Last Shot Off But Not Really Because the Hero Kills Him/Her First, he shoots her with a bullet he tossed in the air and caught perfectly in the chamber. NOPE!
Director Claim to Fame
Gary Jones Put in his time as FX supervisor, 2nd unit director, make-up, etc. Then this. 
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Paul Logan Damian Sloan Hunky stuntman/martial artist who also acted in many a B-movie action flick but never really made it to super-stardom. Was John Crenshaw in The Horde, John in Code Red, Jason Fitch in Mega Piranha, and Glen Reiber on "Days of Our Lives." 
Martin Kove Riley This ubiquitous bulbous-nosed slab of meat plays the beefy guy in almost EVERYTHING; you're almost certain to have seen him (e.g., as "Nero the Hero" in Death Race 2000). 
Robert Davi Macarthur From the opera-singing baddie in The Goonies to Agent Big Johnson in Die Hard to Showgirls to Stargate: Atlantis, he's spread his acting all over the place. 
CB Ferrari Alexa She's sometimes known as C.B. Spencer. 
Andrew Divoff Dragomir Was the titular Wishmaster. Reads, writes, and speaks nine languages...I wonder in which one this seemed like a good career move? 
Lauren Mary Kim Fang Stuntwoman par excellence, she plays (mostly minor) badass martial-arts bitches. Did the stunts for such projects as "The Mandalorian" and "Daredevil." 
Mark Phelan Vladislav Somewhat grizzled background actor; plays lots of cops and murder victims. 
Thomas Downey CIA Director Shows up in many a Bad movie, like Sorority Party Massacre, Evil Takes Root, and Transmorphers
James Lew Chinese Guard #1 Plays a lot of martial arts instructors. And Kung-fu zombies. 
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