Planet on the Prowl  (1966)
(Foreign Titles)
Nomination Year: 2003
SYNOPSIS: A planet is deflected onto a course to destroy the earth. Sort of. A crew of astronauts is dispatched to the errant planet in order to determine why it's happening, and how to stop it (if possible).
Kevin Hogan
Smithee Award Nominations
Most Ludicrous Premise
The Wind in Space
The asteroid causes a wind in space which ... can I even explain this? The wind in space causes many natural disasters on the earth and threatens to destroy the planet as the rogue planet approaches. A more enlightened film might have referred to this "wind in space" as ... "gravity."
"Alas, Poor Yorick"
Sink in Jell-O™
One of the astronauts has a jetpack malfunction, and lands in a liquid area of the Planet on the Prowl, sinking slowly into the jello.
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Lives Hanging by a Thread
They have to rescue several spacemen who have been pulled off course by that darned wind in space. The spacemen's lives are hanging (literally) by threads.
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Director Claim to Fame
Antonio Margheriti AKA Anthony [M.] Dawson. Directed Italian sci-fi and fantasy low-budget flicks, including several Smithee films. 
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Giacomo Rossi-Stuart <Not Yet in Database>  
Pietro Martellanza <Not Yet in Database>  
Nino Vingelli <Not Yet in Database>  
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