Death by Dialogue  (1988)
Nomination Year: 2007
SYNOPSIS: This movie isn't as boring as the title suggests. Okay, it IS a little boring. The title refers to an evil script -- that's right, an EVIL MOVIE SCRIPT -- that kills people who read it. Otherwise, it's the typical schtick: Someone unwittingly unleashes the Script from where it's been lying dormant. Enter a bunch of young adults isolated in the woods, and the evil script starts causing deadly mayhem. And yet, somehow, they all survive.
Bryan Cassidy
Smithee Award Nominations
"Alas, Poor Yorick"
Thank Goodness He Didn't Ask for a "Severence Package"
The evil script kills Thorn. He reads "Thorn, you're fired!" and gets all upset. So he hunts up his boss, confronts a mysterious figure and (literally) begs for it. BOOM! He's fired.
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Deus Ex Machina
An Un-Urned Escape
Eventually, the survivors come to the conclusion that The Journalist's remains (the urn) must be given a proper burial. So they dig a grave. Then all Hell breaks loose. BOOM! A zombie explodes from the grave. It gets confusing from there. A mysterious biker (one of the monsters) rides by and clobbers the zombie! Then, just when the evil zombie looks like it's about to get them, a short dumb prayer causes the zombie to disappear, as if God were saying "Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just end this." THE END. Reprise "Night of Our Lives." Roll Credits. Shudder violently.
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Inane Dialogue
"I'm Going To the Old Movie Set Alone"
For no reason at all, the black guy Lenny just ups and decides to go off alone through the woods to the old movie set controlled by the Script. He knows it'll be all right, because the Evil Script tells him so. And he says so.
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Smithee Award Winner! "WHAT?!"
Axe Murderer
Looking for his lost lover, one of our Young Adults goes searching the woods. The soundtrack is quite metal. But's not the soundtrack. There REALLY IS a (lousy) heavy metal band lurking in the woods. He seems almost as stunned as the audience. The lead guitarist kills him with his guitar.
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Director Claim to Fame
Thomas Dewier Should have stuck to stunt work 
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Ken Sagoes <Not Yet in Database> The black kid who survives A Nightmare on Elm Street III 
Laura Albert Linda An accomplished stuntwoman and stunt driver, she's active to this day (2024). Also happens to be hot. Topless in Glitch!, Strip Club Girl in Road House, Nude Dancer in Angel III: The Final Chapter...see what I mean? 
Lenny Delducca <Not Yet in Database>  
Kelly Sullivan <Not Yet in Database>  
Jude Gerard Prest <Not Yet in Database> Produced The Making of Mystery Science Theater 3000, so he can't be all bad ... at least as a producer 
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