Transmorphers  (2007)
(Foreign Titles)
Nomination Year: 2008
SYNOPSIS: Giant alien shapeshifting robot movie. Take (the worst) parts of Terminator 2, The Matrix, Blade Runner, and the Borg saga from ST:TNG, and mix them all up, and you get...Transmorphers. The cinematic equivalent of peanut butter, crayfish, tapioca pudding, lemon rinds, and coffee grounds. Or maybe Mr. Corkers.
Bryan Cassidy
Smithee Award Nominations
Worst Special Effect
Skycycles ... in ... the sky!
Suddenly, there are skycycles in the plane with them. The aerial battle on the skycycles consists of REALLY bad "special" FX, with some inane dialogue for extra bonus points: "They're shooting at us!" "We got one!"
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Smithee Award Winner! Deus Ex Machina
Karina Is Not Dead. You can't kill wrong!
The blonde sees two big bots blow up Karina. But no! She was just, I dunno, hiding or something, because she simply shows up and says "I wouldn't miss this for the world." No reason.
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Smithee Award Winner! Worst Science
20 Million Light Years Isn't As Far As It Used To Be.
"We found a planet 20 Million Light Years away that had life on it. We sent a message of peace. 5 years later, we got their reply." This stunning science aptitude is a harbinger of all further aptitudes of this film.
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Worst Cover Copy
Cheesy Cover Copy.
The Transmorphers cover is very generic. It has some robots and some guys. Not exactly "Robots in Disguise," more like "Robots 'N' Dese Guys."
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Worst Acting
General Coldbitch Cannot Use Contractions
Eliza Swenson plays a badass general. She's so badass that her character cannot use contractions. Contractions flee screaming ... as should we!
Director Claim to Fame
Leigh Scott Often acts in the movies that he directs. Mostly Smithee-fodder, like Transmorphers, Hillside Cannibals, and Piranha Sharks
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Amy Weber <Not Yet in Database>  
Eliza Swenson <Not Yet in Database> Pops up in a lot of B-Movies. Transmorphers, Dragon, Dracula's Curse, The Dunwich Horror. And many more. Which is quite the accomplishment for someone with only 21 acting credits to her name (so far). 
Thomas Downey <Not Yet in Database> Shows up in many a Bad movie, like Sorority Party Massacre, Evil Takes Root, and Transmorphers
Griff Furst <Not Yet in Database> son of Animal House and Babylon 5 actor Stephen Furst 
Leigh Scott <Not Yet in Database> director of such films as Transmorphers 
Marat Glazer <Not Yet in Database>  
Jason S. Gray <Not Yet in Database> Lt. Clarke in Universal Soldiers
Dennis Kinard <Not Yet in Database>  
Rhett Giles <Not Yet in Database> one of The Asylum's go-to guys 
Kristen Quintrall Ursa Been in a surprising number of Bad Movies for only 17 acting credits (so far). Supercroc, Invasion of the Pod People, Wolvesbayne...and many others. 
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